Thursday, January 3, 2013

Is it just me?

Is it just me or is my vocabulary as intelligent as it was in 3rd grade? Is it just me or is it a waste of time to get ready for class anymore? Is it just me or is dialogue with the opposite harder than it used to be without technology? Is it just me or do you all hate high school too? Is it just me or do we all still like to color with crayons? I hope I'm not crazy. Is it just me or do we all forgot to do this blog post thing? Is it just me of have we all peed our pants from laughter? Is it just me or do you we all have a favorite blanket? Is it just me or have we all had our first kiss? Maybe I need more friends. Is it just me or do weal all still have best friends like we used to? Is it just me or are all of you guys not the person you come off to be? Is it just me or do we all still get scared at night? Is it just me or do you all think religion is crazy? Is it just me or are relationships in high school pointless? Man... It's just me...

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