How to Make Your Bed:
Step 1: Throw everything off your bed
Step 2: Put the pillows at the top side of your bed near the headstand
Step 3: Organize them nicely in a straight line
Step 4: Put your cover back on the bed
Step 5: Straighten it out neatly and flatly
Step 6: Make sure your cover is equally draped on both sides
Step 7: Why are you doing this?
The key to making your bed is to not do it, because you're going to sleep in it within 24 hours anyway, and who cares about their bed being made?
Beds are made for jumping in them, sleeping in them, pillow fights, and other things that aren't to be discussed. You see you need to have your bed the way you like it, and it is just going to waste many precious minutes making your bed every morning. Wouldn't you rather sleep for an extra five minutes? I would. So if you want to make your bed every morning than do it. Otherwise don't.
other things that aren't to be discussed. haha