If I got to do anything, be anything, have anything, it would be to be a talented singer. I'd just want to do it once. I would want to be in front of the biggest crowd ever, to see them cheer me on, their hands go flying in the air "ON CHORE", they'd shout. I just want to sing. I want to sing in front of an audience.
I'd make sure you all had a smile on your face. You'd have the best night ever, you'd feel so good inside, you'd tune into my song, and sing along. For that one song you would forget about mom and dad fighting, about seeing what Robbie did, Marc being drafted, how Sarah died, and all that other fucked up shit you go through every day.
You would wake up, be the person you are, who you want to be, you'd get the chills, but feel so high. You wouldn't feel alone because everyone around you feels the same damn way! The person to your left is singing, and the person to your right is dancing. You are doing both.
I'd get the biggest thrill by looking out into the crowd at every single one of your faces, seeing how relived and happy you are even if its for night. I maybe have saved you. I have saved myself. I am bursting inside singing to you, becuase I have never felt so alive. I have the best voice ever. The best song ever. I am singing under the stars on a warm summer night, and you all are watching me.
And all this happened just because of my one song.
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