Thursday, September 6, 2012

I am young, wild, and free. No just I'm just kidding. I am young, but at what age are we considered "mature" because even though I am young I hate when people judge me for being young. I can be wild, but if anyone is too wild, you're either sent to a lunatic home, put in jail, or totally ignored. I would love to be free to do whatever I wanna do, to have restrictions on my life, but unfortunately there is such things as parents and the government. So I technically I am neither of the three. My pen name is Clairissa Jenkins, because she is the girl off of 92.5 who calls people to prank them. I love listening to her calls, because she is so hilarious, and we need more of her in our society. People who tell it how it is, and more people with a sense of humor. I love the color purple, and I'm not the best writer so lets see how this blog thing goes. I can tell you one thing though I AM outspoken, original, and adventurous.
-Clairissa Jenkins


  1. That's funny. I just heard this phone check radio bit for the first time last week. And then I've heard like three since then. My favorite was the guy who complained about a garbage can and she called back pretending to be a supervisor.

    I was alone in my car and I laughed. Usually when I'm alone in my car I'm crying.

  2. Looks like we're msking lamb-burgers tonight!

  3. Good job! I've never heard of Clairissa Jenkins, but she sounds awesome.
